Wednesday, June 27, 2007

God has heard!

I'm incredibly excited today because I feel God has really answered a great prayer of mine! I've had this huge desire for the last year (and arguably even for the last 10+ years) to live in community with others. Though I'm not Catholic, the thought of being a nun has always appealed to me. Not the not being married part. Heavens no! But the aspects of communal living, simplicity, a life devoted to God, the church and service.

The last year + especially this has been on my mind a lot and I've met and heard from others experiences with this type of lifestyle. I read the best book ever a while ago called The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical. It's by Shane Claiborne. It's awesome!

Anyway, I've been praying about how to take steps so I can make the plunge and use my home in this way. And today my friend Sabrina hooked me up with some people and just made my entire week!! I contacted them immediately and I'm going to meet them next week. Check out their website (it's a great picture of what I want to do):

Not only that but I just found out today that a guy I know named Seth (who I view as a kind of mentor in this particular venture) is organizing a trip to Chicago to visit such a community and check out how they do stuff and hopefully replicate in our St. Paul homes and neighborhoods.
Also, another girl I know emailed me today also expressing interest in community living! This is so exciting!

What encouragement I've received today! Thank you God!

Here's a link to the community in Chicago:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reminiscing - for me it never gets old...

Today I got to hang out with some of the people I share some of the most history with and love reminiscing most with... I'm sure I'm not alone in knowing about the hours of enjoyment reminiscing can bring. You probably have stories yourself....

First I met my brothers for lunch after my class at St. Thomas. They both work at together, so I met them and we ate in their cafeteria. Though the lunch went quick, we covered many topics... For some reason, we never tire of bringing up the same old stories that make us laugh... We love talking about what we like calling some of the best moments in our family history. Much of these moments have to do with someone in our family saying something that we now make fun of. Like the time my dad, filled with a bit of road rage at someone making some sort of driving error yelled out the window "Where'd you get your license in a crackerjack box?" I'm so glad I have these times with my brothers and that we can spend hours laughing together. Thanks you 2 for being so fun and great and not taking our stupidity too seriously!

Then I went over to my friend Terri's house. She is my oldest friend. Not in terms of age, but we've known each other since we were just lil' tots. Our brothers played hockey together all growing up and we were cheerleaders for them. :) Of all people, Terri and I can really spend a great deal of time talking about all the funny and great times we've experienced together. Like the time my mom got a beautiful fruit basket for Christmas. We were so tempted by the fruit that we stole some of it (it was soooo good!) before my mom got home and replaced it with stuff from our fridge that was probably near-moldy. Or when my brother Ben kicked us out of his car because we were being too snotty. Or the time Terri slipped on the floor because Matt had somehow washed it "too" well.

Here's a picture of Terri and her 3-month old baby. Congrats Terri!

I'm so thankful we can laugh at the good old times!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Summer Days...

I started the weekend off with a BLAST with a party and sleepover with 10 - ninth graders from our youth group. The best thing about volunteering with youth is that you get to do all the fun stuff that adults don't typically do... I love it!

First we set off to my co-leader Alisha's in-laws' inground swimming pool! It was awesome! They have a hot tub too, so it was perfect. Her husband Tim grilled out for us girlies and then we left to go to the drive-in in Lake Elmo. We saw Fantastic Four. It was good. I think going to drive-ins must be in my list of top 15 things I like to do... I gotta get back there soon! Then we headed back to Alisha's where we ate more junk food, played mafia and fell asleep to a movie. At least some fell asleep.... ;) I must be getting old! I couldn't stay up past 4!

Thanks for the great times ladies! I always love it!