Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 1 in Washington DC

1st day of trip:

My first day in DC has already been so great! I’m having a blast!! My trip started early with a flight leaving at 6 am. Thank you to Sabrina for getting me to the airport by 5 am!! I arrived at 9:30 am, and took a 40 minute bus ride to the Metro, DC’s subway system. I took 2 different lines to get to my stop for the youth hostel. At the stop I went up the biggest escalator I’ve ever been up in my life. I was totally afraid! And I’ve been up some big escalators before – in London. See picture (once I get my fotos developed!).

With my luggage I walked about 12 minutes to my youth hostel and hauled everything up 2 flights of stairs once I arrive at the hostel. The hostel itself is by far the worst one I’ve ever stayed in. It was pretty disgusting actually. It reminded me of the rooming house I stayed in at the U of M my senior year. My room for 3 days was shared with 8 females… My first day there were 2 Americans, 3 Koreans, and Austrian and a woman from New Zealand.

I must say though that the hostel is in the most perfect neighborhood ever! It’s home to tons of ethnic restaurants and night life!! People stay out until 4-5 am in this neighborhood because the restaurants and night clubs stay open this late.

After I got settled I left to go back to the Metro and check out DC! Today I saw the Capital Building, spent a few hours in some of the Smithsonian Museums: History of American Indian Museum, African Art Museum, and …..

I took the Metro home, and went to a Brazilian restaurant next to my hostel. There a couple Brazilian girls started talking to me and eventually I found myself at a table with 6 people! I met some great people who ended up inviting me to their party next weekend even, the night before I fly home. I had a great time!

I then headed out to Habana, which is locale just seconds from my hostel that has salsa! I spent a few hours there dancing and had such a blast!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Yeah for Sarah! Out in the world on her own! I'm glad you made it in, and despite the yucky hostel, i'm sure you are enjoying yourself!! Keep me posted!